Welcome to the Bagua System
Welcome to the Bagua System – one of the most powerful astrological, metaphysical, and numerical systems we have to date. The Bagua System can:
- Explain your entire way of thinking, emotional make-up, and health outlook
- Define auspicious times for financial and relationship events
- Explain why your moods and emotions shift throughout the year and month
- Predict your romantic and business compatibilities
- Tell you what colors support your liveliness and prosperity
- and much more…
Bagua Personality Profile Calculator
The Bagua Personality Profile Calculator is one of the best tools for interpreting someone’s mental, emotional and physical make-up. We use the designations of MIND, SPIRIT and BODY to represent these three.
Simply plug in the year, month and day of birth then enter the birth gender and hemisphere of birth and click “Calculate”. The BPP immediately generates the archetypes for each of the three categories. You can also view a brief description below of each archetype and what it means.
NOTE: The calculate below will display the MIND archetype only. To see all three archetypes – MIND, SPIRIT, and BODY – please use the calculator on the Pro-Member’s page.
The archetypes are as follows:
- CONSERVATIONIST – powerful, conservative
- NEGOTIATOR – communicator, materialistic
- VISIONARY – creative, strategic
- LEADER – accountable, aware
- PEACEKEEPER – balanced, detached
- DEVOTEE – committed, strong-willed
- MONK – intuitive, purpose-driven
- LOVER – romantic, artistic
- SOLDIER – forceful, passionate
Additional definitions of each of the archetypes along with a listing and explanation of the 9 Universal Laws can be found on the Pro Member’s page.
The Bagua Personality Profile Calculator is one of the best tools for interpreting someone’s mental, emotional and physical make-up. We use the designations of MIND, SPIRIT and BODY to represent these three.
Simply plug in the year, month and day of birth then enter the birth gender and hemisphere of birth and click “Calculate”. The BPP immediately generates the archetypes for each of the three categories. You can also view a brief description below of each archetype and what it means.
Weekly Astrology Report (WAR)
Pro-Membership Features
- Full Bagua Astrology Personality Profile Calculator Access (MIND, SPIRIT, BODY)
- Summary Descriptions of archetypes
- Summary Descriptions of the archetypes after each calculation (MIND, SPIRIT, BODY)
- Discounted 18 page Character Map reports for only $9.99 each instead of the $29.99 regular price.
Is Bagua related in any way to traditional astrological philosophies like sideral or tropical? The answer is YES in terms of both systems being heavily based on equal divisions of the ecliptic and how those divisions affect our lives and consciousness. The primary difference is traditional astrology is based on the number twelve and the Bagua System is based on the number nine. In the Bagua there are no two-digit numbers because we are only dealing with the nine primary laws of the Universe. Therefore, the number twelve reduces to three in BA and three doesn’t give us enough clarity and variation of how these laws manifest and affect world events.
In addition, Bagua is heavy into mathematics and numerology. Every prediction and indication should also be able to be proven mathematically; otherwise, it’s either not valid or not completely understood. In the Bagua we assign numbers to all houses, archetypes, and astrological manifestations. That way, we’re always clear on where we are and how it relates to our personal numbers (i.e. Personality Profile).
Product & Course Information
To learn more about the Bagua System and it’s many applications, you can purchase one of our many publications or courses.
- Bagua System Certification – Become certified in all 3 Bagua System disciplines: (1) Oracle Reading, (2) Character Mapping, and (3) Bagua Astrology. Sign up at the School of Bagua & Metaphysics.
- Bagua Character Map: Science, Analysis, & Interpretation – Explores the metaphysical background of the Bagua System and gives a highly technical explanation of the archetypes and houses from the perspective of the I Ching oracle system and Feng Shui. Found on Amazon.
- The Bagua Oracle Interpretation Guide – A quick reference for interpreting readings done with the Bagua Oracle cards. Found on Amazon.
- The Bagua Character Mapping Interpretation Guide – A quick reference for understanding each of the qualities of the 9 archetypes for your MIND, SPIRIT, and BODY Personality Profiles. Found on Amazon.
- Bagua Oracle Decks in 9 different colors. Found HERE.
Please visit our SHOP for all Bagua Astrology products and services.